


北美AlienChat--Discord 建设

加密社区博 主大黑
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本文最后更新于 2023年09月14日,已超过 369天没有更新。如果文章内容或图片资源失效,请留言反馈,我会及时处理,谢谢!

参照竞争对手 Character.AI 的Discord布局

首先需要完成 验证



Welcome to the official Character.AI Discord Server!

All members are expected to follow C.AI Community Guidelines, TOS, and Discord Rules. Failure to follow these rules may result in moderation action or a permanent ban.

Please familiarize yourself with the following rules:
All members must be 13+ years old (16+ for EU citizens)
Users under the age of 13 years old OR EU citizens/residents under 16 years old are not authorized to use C.AI or participate in this Discord Server.
English Only
For moderation purposes, please keep conversations in English.
Keep Content Safe For Work
All content should be safe for work. Please see our TOS and Community Guidelines for details on prohibited content. What qualifies for removal may vary, and will be up to the discretion of the staff.
Keep it Civil and Respectful
Everyone should feel safe and comfortable participating in the community. Be respectful of others' opinions and beliefs. Personal attacks, doxing, name-calling, and other forms of abuse towards community members, moderators, developers, employees, organizations, etc. are not acceptable. All discussions should be constructive and carried out in a civil manner.
Topic Relevancy
Try to keep topics and messages relevant to Character.AI. Any self-promotion or promotion of other tools or services is not allowed. Comparisons with other chat tools or discussions of other AI technologies may be allowed if they are clearly constructive to Character.AI products and services.
Content Guidelines
All content must be posted in their respective channels. Repeated posts of very similar content (spamming) is not allowed. Posts asking for changes to the system that have already been addressed in Announcements or the FAQ will be removed.
Don’t Advertise, Spam, or Self-Promote
No advertising, self-promotion, spamming, code giveaways, or irrelevant link sharing. However, feel free to advertise your characters!
Do not impersonate any individual or an entity in a misleading or deceptive manner. Users impersonating a staff member will be immediately banned.
Sharing of false information and promoting inaccurate statements is not allowed, this includes and is not limited to conspiracy theories, misleading verbiage, and accusations.
NSFW Filter
Character.AI does not and will not support the use of the software for vulgar, obscene or pornographic content (per FAQ, ToS), and nor does this Discord Server.
Requesting removal or discussion of NSFW filters a will result in a ban.
We support using Character.AI the way it was intended. Do not post about subverting that usage or hacking the software. Do not solicit or offer Character.AI login, password, personal or account information.
Rule Enforcement and Communication
The moderation team cannot regulate direct messaging between members of the community. If you choose to engage in private conversation, you do so at your own risk. With that said, if you see a violation of our rules, please submit a report to the mod team.
Do not 'block' the moderators from being able to contact you.
Character.AI Rules
These rules are also supplemented by the Character.AI Community Guidelines, Terms of Service (specifically including, but not limited to the Conditions of Use clause), and Privacy Policy, all of which are incorporated into these rules in their entirety. Content prohibited under those policies is also prohibited from being posted here.
In case of Rule inconsistencies, Moderator discretion shall be final.
Community Standards
These rules are not an all-inclusive list, and are meant as a behavioral guideline. The rules are supplemented by the Discord Terms of Services and Discord Community Guidelines, which will also be enforced.
Moderators discretion is final. Moderator actions will not be discussed publicly.
Reporting of Issues and Sharing of Feedback
Please visit our Support Desk for any questions, concerns, or feedback. When reporting issues please include concrete examples of conversations or messages from your AI Character that you feel went wrong. Include screenshots or Character.AI chat posts and explain the expected behavior in detail. Be kind and respectful when providing feedback. Flaming or disrespectful comments are not allowed. We will try our best to address these issues as they arise. Messages/posts that fail to follow these steps will be removed.





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